Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hello, from the office

Hello. Here it is. Finally a hello-from-the-office post that I have been wanted to do since forever, but always too busy to. Well, now we're officially in the second quarter of the year, I wonder what have I achieved, but definitely sure about what I have yet to achieve.

There has been loads of issues arising lately. I have a lot of decision makings to do. I need to strengthen the weak little girl inside me. I need to think about the next step I am going to take, to seriously live a quality life and to work as hard as a cow. Urghh. I know right, this sounds tiring and it indeed is. Despite finding myself in a totally depressed and devastated state, I often get to walk out a few days later, not too bad.

What else, home-sickness is getting serious on me, probably I'm just too alone in this city. I hope a 6-month period is all I need to bear. If this is so, I'm completely positive that I can make it through! Yeah, and I promise to blog more often, but for the time being, I need to get back to work! See ya tonight.

p/s: It's Friday It's Friday It's Friday!! Thanks god *banana dance* =D

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